Saurav Banerjee On 'DMR'


The author of the C programming language. (Image taken during the 1990 UKUUG Summer Conference, London.)
Kernighan & Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Second Edition (errata)
Mark Brader on B ,also in 1969, the system that Brian Kernighan would later name Unix was being developed by Ken Thompson "with some assistance from" Dennis Ritchie.
Tom Duff on Duff's Device.
Dennis Ritchie: BCPL to B to C
From: (Dennis Ritchie)
Brian W. Kernighan (1974): Programming in C: A Tutorial
Although it has lost little of its didactic value, it describes a language that C compilers today do no longer understand: the C of 1974, four years before Kernighan and Ritchie published the first edition of ``The C Programming Language''.
The ANSI C Rationale
The vast majority of the language defined by the Standard is precisely the same as is defined in Appendix A of The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, and as is implemented in almost all C translators.


The author of the C programming language. (Image taken during the 1990 UKUUG Summer Conference, London.)
Kernighan & Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Second Edition (errata)
Mark Brader on B ,also in 1969, the system that Brian Kernighan would later name Unix was being developed by Ken Thompson "with some assistance from" Dennis Ritchie.
Tom Duff on Duff's Device.
Dennis Ritchie: BCPL to B to C
From: (Dennis Ritchie)
Brian W. Kernighan (1974): Programming in C: A Tutorial
Although it has lost little of its didactic value, it describes a language that C compilers today do no longer understand: the C of 1974, four years before Kernighan and Ritchie published the first edition of ``The C Programming Language''.
The ANSI C Rationale
The vast majority of the language defined by the Standard is precisely the same as is defined in Appendix A of The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, and as is implemented in almost all C translators.

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